Friday, 12 August 2011
Mail from jail...imprisoned for graffiti
This is a letter from a young man in Wellingborough Prison to the exhibition Intimate Bureaucracies, earlier this year:
Monday, 14 March 2011
Pose Your Question - David Horvitz in Conversation at firstsite

Horvitz thinks of the container of the flowers as a carrier 'moving through the global transport infrastructure', but points out that 'the flower is a carrier too - to customs, as a carrier of pests, disease and potential hazards, but to the sender - a carrier of sentiment, affection, love.' The project is growing as the exhibition continues - the flowers that arrive, the emails and photos Horvitz sends every day and the customs slips that arrive without their packages are all on display. So far several of the bottles have arrived, but we have also received a flimsy customs slip without the accompanying bottle.
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Martin Herraiz Composition/Performance - Can you help?
Herraiz's participation in the project also shows the ways that exhibiting a composition (as an artwork?) 'carries a potentiality for multiple significations that goes far beyond what it would ever be able to transmit as a "concert piece".
See the top of the page to download the composition.
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
Bureaucracy: Artist's Book by Franklin Valverde
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
David Horvitz: Some Cut Flowers
David Horvitz has been commissioned by firstsite to create a new work for the exhibition. Some Cut Flowers is a mailing project in which David is sending individual flowers in plastic water bottles from the
I’ll be posting photos of flowers and you can view a PDF (on this blog in the Downloads section) made by David that he will add to every few days. You can sign up to receive the daily emails containing a photo of the flower that David sends before posting the flowers by email me at until March 26th.